Minecraft Speedrun vs Hunter Mod | Download Minecraft speedrunner vs hunter mod

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Minecraft speedrunner vs hunter mod: Minecraft speedrun is a very interesting Minecraft mod to play. So, you should Minecraft speedrunner vs hunter mod download it from here and enjoy it. Also, in this article, you will get to know about each and everything related to Minecraft speedrunner vs hunter mod.

What is Minecraft Speedrun?

Minecraft Speedrun is said as the art of beating Minecraft as fastest as possible in time. Speedrunners are also very popular in Minecraft for their quality to play the game in very little time. Hence, most of the players love to do speedrun in Minecraft.

What is minecraft speedrun world record?

The world record in Minecraft Speedrun for random seed is 9 minutes 52 seconds done by the lllumina1337. If you believe that you are crazy to play Minecraft speedrun in any seed then it is a little bit harder because completing the Minecraft speedrun is not easy as it sounds.

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How do you do Speedrunner vs Hunter in Mcpe?

For doing Speedrunner vs Hunter in Mcpe you need to play multiplayer and you have to select yourself as a speedrunner or hunter then you must follow the rules given below to play speedrunner vs hunter in mcpe:

Minecraft Speedrun Rules:

If you set yourself as a speedrunner then you have to kill the ender dragon as fast as possible by protecting yourself from the hunter in speedrunner vs hunter in mcpe.

Minecraft Hunter Rules:

If you set yourself as a hunter then you just have to kill the speedrunner to win. Also, it is easy to be a hunter in hunter in Minecraft speedrunner vs hunter mod.

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How to download Speedrunner vs Hunter Minecraft PE?

Steps to download Minecraft speedrunner on android:

Step 1: Firstly Download Minecraft Speedrunner File From Download Button Given Below.

Step 2: Open Minecraft PE go to setting in profile switch File Saving Location to “External“.

Step 3: Now “extract” the downloaded file.

Step 4: Paste the (RP) from the extracted file in games >> com.mojang >> resource_packs folder.

Step 5: Paste the (BP) from the extracted file in games >> com.mojang >> behavior_packs folder.

Step 6: Open Minecraft PE creates a map on the experimental settings and allow the cheats, also make sure to activate resources packs and the behavior packs.

Step 7: Now enjoy your speedrun vs hunter mod in minecraft PE.

Quick Points what we’ve covered during this article –

  • Introduction about Minecraft speedrunner vs hunter mod.
  • Many of you’re looking to download Minecraft speedrunner vs hunter.
  • How to get Speedrunner vs Hunter Minecraft PE.
  • How to play Speedrunner vs Hunter in Mcpe.
    Download Button Techy Bag


Features Availability
HD Textures
Multiplayer Yes
Multiple Language Support Yes
High Graphics
Ray Tracing


Who is the best player in Minecraft speedrun?

Dream is considered as the best player in Minecraft Speedrun as well as in Minecraft nowadays by most people. Also, he is known as the genius of Minecraft and he played most of the times speedrun vs hunter.

How do you do Speedrunner vs Hunter bedrock?

For doing Speedrunner vs Hunter in Bedrock you just have to follow the instructions that were given above because for playing Minecraft speedrunner vs hunter mod the rules are the same for mcpe as well as for bedrock.

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What is the best seed in Minecraft speedrun?

These are the Minecraft speedrun best seeds:

  • Villages and Desert Temple (Seed: 1955471898)
  • Speedrunner’s Delight (Seed: 6254448515498253750)
  • Great for a Speedrun (Seed: 6254448515498253750)
  • Village Spawn (Seed Code: 7453340963196383811)
  • World Record Seed (Seed: 1156391694)

Should you download Minecraft speedrunner vs hunter?

If you guys are passionate about Minecraft and you want to play Minecraft speedrunner vs hunter mod then you can also take help from your friends to complete it more quickly. Also, from here you can Minecraft speedrunner vs hunter mod download in Minecraft PE.


Name Minecraft
Version Latest Version
Series Minecraft
Developer Mojang
Genre Open-World
Publisher Mojang

FAQS (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q. What is the fastest Minecraft speedrun?

Ans – The fastest Minecraft speedrunner is llumina done the fastest Minecraft speedrunner is in only 13 minutes and 57 seconds.

Q. What is the speedrun for Minecraft?

Ans – Minecraft speedrun is beating the game in the fastest way.

Q. Is Minecraft Speedrunning hard?

Ans – Minecraft speedrun is not hard for professional players because they had experienced in the Minecraft map but for the new or normal players it is difficult to do.

Q. How do you speedrun in Minecraft PE?

Ans – You can do Minecraft speedrun in Minecraft pe also just follow the Minecraft speedrun rules you will get to know.

Q. Who cheated on Minecraft speedrun?

Ans – Dream Cheated on the Minecraft Speedrun who had kept the same improvements in the game that Dream’s “Challenge server” had with help of the developer.


If you are excited to play the Minecraft speedrunner vs hunter mod, so you guys have to download Minecraft speedrunner vs hunter mod. Speedrunner vs Hunter in Mcpe is now possible to play on your devices.

We hope you got everything here but if you guys still have doubts then make sure to let us know in the comments. At last, if anyone try this Speedrunner vs Hunter Mod for Minecraft then he is going to enjoy it.

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